(avery) #1

that God is unique and that Christ and Jesus are different entities and
separate from God. Therefore, they are neither God, nor
manifestations of God, although you may consider them to be
representatives or envoys of God, since they are attuned to the will of
God. In other words, they are followers of the law of love and are
voluntarily integrated into its plan of evolution.

And how did Christ act through Jesus?
From a certain time onwards, in the last years of his life, Jesus acted
inspired and fortified by the Planetary Christ. And he really needed this
in order to accomplish the mission that he carried out.

So who was the one who spoke, Jesus or Christ?
We could say that they acted in symbiosis. Jesus spoke with the
inspiration of the Christ. Jesus never lost his consciousness and
individuality, or his free will.

Will Jesus incarnate again on Earth?
Christ will manifest himself, whenever necessary, and he will do it
through the incarnation of a spirit in a human phase of evolution. He
already did it before Jesus and he will do it again after Jesus, if the
spiritual evolution of the planet requires it. It is of no importance
whether he is Jesus or another being of similar evolution. What I put to
you is that when a new Messiah, Prophet, Avatar, or whatever you
want to call him, incarnates, he will not be dressed as a Nazarene, with
a crown of thorns, dragging the cross and with hands blood-stained
from the wounds of the nails, as Christians expect. He will be an
apparently normal person, but with a capacity to love and with
extraordinary spiritual wisdom, but only discernible to those who are in
tune with the message of love towards their fellow man and the
spiritual evolution that he will bring. And if he were to incarnate at the
present time, the first who would be against him and would make it
impossible for his message to hold any weight would be the hierarchy
of Churches which have supposedly erected him on their banner,
because if his message manages to penetrate the hearts of the
humans on this planet, their days as religious aristocrats are numbered,
and they will be converted into normal ordinary people.

When first speaking about Jesus, you said that there were many
additions to his original message which even distorted the message
that he had wanted to give. How can we distinguish the original
message from the later additions?

Simply, all those beliefs which go against the spiritual laws cannot

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