(avery) #1

So why is there so much opposition in the world towards contact with

What happens is that the way in which the authorities of many religions
and other powers of your world maintain their control is by avoiding
anyone obtaining contact with God by themselves, through their
spiritual guides. A multitude of films exists which are made with the
express intention of maintaining that fear of contact with the spiritual
world, making us believe that all contact will be terrifying, as in horror
films such as “The invasion of the living dead” “Poltergeist” or “The
exorcist”. In this way everyone, through fear, acts as their own inquisitor
and whenever the possibility of receiving a message from the spiritual
world arises, in whatever form this may be (intuitions, dreams, etc), fear
makes sure that it is repressed and misinterpreted.

You also said that the belief that the Church and the priests are
intermediaries of God on Earth is not correct.

That's right.

On what basis do you say this?
I believe that if we read correctly the relationship that Jesus had with
the priestly castes from his time, we will reach the conclusion that Jesus
never had the intention of creating a priestly caste and a hierarchy
such as the Catholic Church has created, which is a fairly faithful copy
of the Hebrew Church of those times. He came to teach that everyone
has their own connection with God, and to destroy the false idea that
we can only contact God through priests. In fact, whereas Jesus spent
a good part of his public preaching, fighting with the Hebrew priests,
who saw in him a serious competitor, he did no more than show them
up. And they were right, because Jesus did not stop repeating in
various ways, time and time again, the following message: “Listen,
these people are not intermediaries from God, because they are more
occupied in maintaining themselves economically at your expense
than in providing a suitable spiritual aid. They have confused you with
their absurd laws. You do not need them. The only valid way to enter
the kingdom of God is to love.” This message was seized by the priestly
castes and, seeing that if people attained consciousness they would
become unemployed, they acted accordingly and killed him.

And why has the Catholic Church ended up looking so much like the
Hebrew Church?

It was not like this in the beginning, because to be a follower of Jesus’
message of love you had to be very convinced, since you were

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