(avery) #1

continuing in this way to generate psychic toxins again on a mental
level, which, on passing to astral and physical levels, caused the
disease to come back again.

And why did he say to the patients, when they thanked him because
he had cured them, “your faith has saved you”?

Because Jesus knew that for the transmission of healing energy, call it
reiki, prana or whatever we want, to be effective, not only is it
necessary to have a good transmitter but also a good receiver, in
other words, for the person receiving it to be predisposed to receiving
the energy with open chakras. For this to happen, the person who
receives the energy must have confidence (faith) in the transmitter, as
when there is distrust, the chakras remain closed and the energy
cannot penetrate and exert its therapeutic effect, however powerful
the transmitter may be.

But sometimes this was said not to the people who had been cured,
who were unconscious or too ill to understand that they were trying to
cure them, but rather to one of their relatives. What is the meaning of

Just as Jesus had the power to transmit energy of high vibration, with a
high healing power, inspired by his capacity to love and the will to do
good, there exists the power to harness the transmission of the energy
in those people who have confidence in it, and who have the will to
help those who need it, acting in this way as “repeaters” of the original
signal. In this case, they themselves also become a channel for passing
healing energies. Also, there are people who are able to interfere with
the transmission of healing energy towards other people around them,
due to their psychic negativity or their incredulity. There were many
cases of people who did not trust Jesus and his teachings. In those
places, even though he continued to place his hands on patients as
always, there were few healings. This circumstance is taken up in the
actual gospels.
“Coming to his home town, he (Jesus) began teaching the people in
their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this
wisdom, and these miraculous powers?” they asked. Isn’t this the
carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers
James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where
then did this man get all these things?’ And they took offence at him.
But Jesus said to them, “Only in his home town and in his own house is
a prophet without honour.” And he did not do many miracles there
because of their lack of faith.”
(Matthew 13:54-58)

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