(avery) #1

Since we are here, let’s speak about the Resurrection.
Alright. I will try to clarify this subject because there is tremendous
confusion regarding this point. Many of the things that have been said
about the resurrection are totally incorrect.
If we understand as resurrection the survival of the spirit after the death
of the body, this indeed is correct. But the fact that after death the
being continues living is nothing extraordinary. The survival of the spirit
did not begin with Jesus, but it has always taken place, since it is a
Universal law and we have already spoken of it extensively. But all
those beliefs which speak about the fact that, for spirits to live, they
must be necessarily bound to a body and, specifically, to the same
body which they occupied during physical life, are not true.

Well there are some Christian denominations which believe that life is
only possible through having a physical body, in other words, they do
not admit the life of the spirit separated from the body after death.
What is your opinion regarding this matter?

It is not certain that when the body dies the soul remains indefinitely in
a dream state until it occupies again the same body that it left. This is
one of the false beliefs which exist about the resurrection. Perhaps it is
not evident that from the moment in which physical death takes place
the body begins a decomposition process until the time comes when
there is nothing left of it? How can somebody believe that it is possible
that the day will come when, in order to return to the physical world,
the spirit occupies a body which has not existed for centuries? Is it not
easier to explain the return of passed away spirits to physical life by
means of reincarnation, in other words, that the spirit that lived
yesterday on Earth returns today as the baby who is going to be born?
Therefore, the belief that the dead will return to physical life through a
magical process of re-composition of bodies which have already
disappeared through the process of natural decomposition of matter is
false. These beings return continuously to material life, but they do this
through the birth of new children, without breaking the laws of nature.
It is not certain either that the soul or spirit needs a body in order to live.
Souls do not remain in an indefinite dream state until they incarnate
again in the physical world but rather, as I have already said, they
continue their life and their evolutionary process in the spiritual world,
separated from matter. When Jesus died and it was said that he was
resuscitated, it does not mean that his body came back to life, but
that his spirit continued living.

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