(avery) #1

Shroud is the linen cloth which swathed Jesus after his physical death, it
is irrelevant to what we are relating ; as is also the fact that the body
had disintegrated or decomposed slowly as all bodies usually
decompose. All this is irrelevant with respect to the spiritual message,
as is the case with his conception and whether Mary was a virgin or
not. You have stuck with the events that seem extraordinary to you,
but which are irrelevant from the spiritual point of view, and you have
stopped paying attention to the really important issue, which is the
message that Jesus transmitted.

And so how did he appear to the apostles, if he really did appear to
them, after death?

The later appearances to the apostles, or other people with whom he
coexisted, were not made with the body that he used while still alive,
but rather he appeared in the form of an astral body, just as many
beings that have passed away appear at the bed of their loved ones
to say goodbye, their physical body being inert in the place where
they died, or in the coffin. And the fact is that an astral body, under
certain special circumstances, can “condense” until almost taking the
appearance and solidity of a physical body, and even more so in the
case of spirits that have the spiritual capacity that Jesus had; this is
known by many investigators of the phenomena which you call

And do the prophetic affirmations such as “at the end of time the dead
will revive” make any sense?

The spirits of beings already passed away are continuously returning to
the physical world through reincarnation. In other words, they are not
going to wait for a supposed era called "the end of time" in order to
return. Reincarnation of the spirits is a process which is ongoing while
humanity still lives on a physical planet. What is true is that at present,
due to the demographic explosion, a greater number of spirits are
incarnating simultaneously than in other eras of history, coinciding with
the end of a cycle, so that these spirits also have the opportunity to
incarnate at a time of great evolutionary importance. It is the only way
in which the phrase “at the end of time the dead will revive” can be

And what about the belief in original sin, in other words, because the
supposed ancestors of humanity (Adam and Eve) sinned, their
descendants must pay the consequences of their acts?

I will answer this for you with an example. Imagine that a man robs a
bank and as he flees he crashes the car and dies. Faced with the

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