(avery) #1

because generally these people believe themselves to be better than
others and they are not prepared to listen to anyone who does not
have credentials within their Church. Also because their Church has
made them believe that those who do not follow their rules are
“sinners”, in other words, bad company which you cannot trust. Then,
they need to begin working on their inner selves, starting with being
conscious of which things are done because they are sincerely felt or
are left undone, because although they feel, they are prohibited by
rules; and which things are done without feeling, because they feel
obliged because of these rules.
The next step is to begin to exercise their own will, their free will, in other
words, to begin to act as they feel, although to do this they must
confront the established rules.

Should I conclude from this extensive expression that all religions are a
farce and that they do not represent the will of God at all?

Goodness no, not as extreme as that. The problem of religions is that,
while having picked up some messages which are indeed spiritually
advanced, they ask believers to assume a set of beliefs and rules as a
package, through dogma, without reasoning, with the argument that
everything is “the word of God". Freedom of thought does not exist for
believers, freedom to choose what really reaches their soul and to
reject what is false or irrelevant to them, or to choose what they want
to believe in or not believe in.
The leaders of religions have for a long time been using elevated
spiritual messages as a hook to attract people who identify with the
elevation of the message, such as love towards their fellow man , but
not with the rest of the absurd rules which have been progressively
added and which hinder spiritual advancement. In this way, if people
allow themselves to be guided by the supposed “representatives of
God” without daring to question the supposed "word of God", through
fear of reprimand from the ecclesiastical authorities, little by little they
are relinquishing their will, in order to begin living under the will of rules
written in very old books, but which are out of step as regards
explaining and providing a satisfactory solution to their own
experiences, enforcing on believers a corset which is so tight that it
prevents them from expressing themselves freely. When we resign our
will, we are taking a step towards fanaticism, because we are at the
mercy of the manipulation of those who have elevated themselves as
interpreters of the word of God. There are truths mixed with falsehoods
in practically all religions, philosophies and ideologies that exist. It is up
to everyone to work towards finding the truth. People have to set their
own beliefs freely, taking a little from here and a little from there,

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