(avery) #1

whatever their inner self recognises as true and whatever may help
them to evolve.

It seems that this path is a little uncertain, if it is not possible to trust
anybody who is physically alive, who can give you good advice when
you are going through a difficult critical period.

Certainly there are people among you with the capacity to orientate
and to advise others with respect to spirituality, through having a
greater knowledge of spiritual reality and a more developed capacity
to love, achieved through having lived many lives and having worked
a great deal to improve their inner selves. But these people do not act
ostentatiously. They do not elevate themselves into bishops or saints,
nor do they put on special clothes, but rather they are people with an
apparently normal life, but with a firm desire to improve internally and
to help others. They act without boasting or ostentation , in a
disinterested way, preaching by example, having to suffer, as a
consequence, major insults and slander from those who are shown up
in comparison, for not being at the moral height of the rank which they
say they represent.

The influence of the spiritual world can be felt in each and every one
of you, whether you are atheist, agnostic, or believers of Such and
Such Church. But it does it very subtly so that it is you yourselves who
decide. First of all, listen to the voice of your conscience, which is the
best guide that you can have, and then choose the path that you
want to follow.

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