(avery) #1


“Today I have a surprise for you”, Isaiah said to me on that occasion as
soon as he saw me.

Oh yes? What could that be?
Until now, whenever you have come here to converse, you have been
alone with me. We have done it this way because we thought that
you would feel more comfortable, less intimidated, in order to ask
questions freely. I would not like you to reach the conclusion that this is
a solitary place where nobody lives. Now that you have gained
confidence in me and our world, I believe that the time has come to
introduce you to the others. Come with me. I want to show you the rest
of the people and above all that we chat for a while with some friends
who wish to greet you.

I do not know how, but we began to fly over that spot. From above I
could see the magnificent scenery. I saw small buildings in the form of
a hemisphere scattered through a valley with beautiful vegetation.
“They are our homes,” Isaiah said to me without giving me time to
formulate the question that I had thought of. In the centre of that
nucleus of small houses I could make out pyramidal buildings larger
than the previous ones, which seemed to be made out of glass, from
which a brilliant white light radiated. “That is where we meet to
meditate. We make contact telepathically with the superior spheres in
order to receive spiritual teaching, and also with the inferior spheres, in
order to transmit messages of love to all humanity,” Isaiah said. Then
we gained access to the interior and we glanced through some totally
transparent walls. We saw a group of some 30 people seated on
platforms, forming a circle. It seemed to me that they were in deep
concentration. Each one seemed to have a function in that work of
spiritual concentration. Then, in the middle of them, two human figures,
one of a man and another one of a woman, began to form. They
were tremendously beautiful and they were surrounded by a halo of
light which transmitted a great sense of peace and wellbeing.

These two beings, after greeting those present effusively and
exchanging some dialogue with them, which I was not able to
understand, approached us. If I said to you that Isaiah's gaze was
penetrating and transmitted a deep sense of peace and love, that of
these two beings was even more intense, if that is possible. They looked
like two angels!

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