(avery) #1

you can perceive from feeling, that you are unaware of your mission
on Earth. Have one thing clear: although you feel lonely in the physical
world, you are never alone in the spiritual world. It is up to each one of
you to discover that connection for yourself, discover that subtle door
behind which you will find your true life, a door that can only be
opened with the key of feeling. Ask for it sincerely and you will receive
help to awaken your sensitivity and comfort in your hardships. But you
will have to take off the anti-love armour-plating that you are wearing
to be able to feel it. Because whoever wants to be alone and isolated
from the world, his desire will be respected.

Well, now you have mentioned God, I have serious doubts that a God
exists. Has anyone ever seen Him?

Perhaps you have not seen His work? The Universe, life, yourself. God
can ́t be any nearer to you than He already is. But He doesn ́t force
you to recognise Him and open up to Him. You have to want to feel it,
to perceive it. But if you expect to see someone like you, of your size,
with eyes, a face, legs and arms, then you will never recognise Him,
because God is much more than that. It would be like one cell of your
body asking: “Where is the body that I belong to, I can ́t see it”? You
are in it, cell, don ́t you realise? And the cell would say: “But all I see
are cells and cells and more cells just like me everywhere!”So study
your own nature, how you function and the relationships you establish
with other cells and their relationships and how wonderfully they
organise themselves to form a unit and observe what forms that unit.
Then, cell, you will be able to know and recognise the body that you
are part of.

Where can we find proof of the existence of God?
Just like the cell in the example, first in your own existence and then in
the existence of everything around you. What might be the origin of so
many beings that feel and think, conscious of their own existence? And
of a universe so perfectly interlocked? It can ́t be the void, because
the void couldn`t create anything so complex and beautiful at the
same time. Or do you think that a wonderful symphony can be
created by just touching the keys of a piano at random? Well, in the
same way, it is impossible that something as simultaneously beautiful
and complex as the Universe, Life and the Human Being is the result of
chance, rather than causality.

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