(avery) #1

The spiritual world

You said at the beginning that the life of a spirit did not start with birth.
That ́s right.

What is there before birth?
The same as afterwards, LIFE, alternating periods of life without being
attached to the physical world with periods when the being returns to
the physical world, incarnating as a new-born baby.

So life does not start with birth?

And we have all had other lives before this one?

And where are we supposedly before being born?
In the spiritual world.

And what happens after we die?
When you die, you detach yourself from the physical body and return
to the spiritual world, where you came from. In other words, you
continue your life as a free spirit, without being attached to matter. Put
another way and to summarise, all of you are spirits that come from the
spiritual world and link yourselves to the physical world, incarnating in
new-born babies, spending a period of time physically incarnate, until
the death of the body. It is that moment that the spirit detaches from
the body and returns to the spiritual world.
This maxim regarding the origin and destiny of the human being was
already declared by Jesus in a simple but very meaningful phrase,
which has not been totally understood up until now, and is mentioned
in the gospel according to Saint John (3:13) : “No man has ascended
up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven”

But in what conditions do we return to that spiritual world? I mean, are
we awake? Are we conscious of what has happened to us or, as some
religions believe, do we remain in a kind of lethargic state until
something happens “at the end of time”?

On the contrary, you are much more aware of reality when you are in
the spiritual world than when you are incarnate. Don ́t think that just
because you are not incarnate you lose consciousness or enters into a
state of perpetual somnolence. On the contrary, whilst admitting that

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