(avery) #1

the spirit may go through a period of confusion, of variable duration,
depending on the evolution of the spirit and the circumstances of
disincarnation , the spirit is faced with real authentic life and becomes
conscious, among other things, of what the objective of incarnations is.
Of course, the disincarnate spirit is occupied in interacting with other
beings, in a world just as real or even more real than your world, which
is a distorted image, merely a reflection, of the spiritual world.

Yes, but where does it go to exactly?
What normally happens is that each spirit, after disincarnating, is
placed on the plane in the spiritual world that corresponds to its
evolutionary state. And this depends on the spirit ́s behaviour during its
incarnation regarding the law of love. The final destiny of the spirit is to
always return to its spiritual home. However, those delinquent spirits,
that have carried out serious acts against other beings of creation, will
remain trapped in the lowest vibratory level of the inferior astral, due to
the burden of their actions. In the opposite extreme, the spirits that
have overcome a major part of their egoism and have behaved
lovingly, will rise to the highest vibratory bands of the superior astral.
In between those two extremes, there are a multitude of intermediate
levels in which spirits will be placed according to their level of spiritual
elevation and their behaviour regarding the law of love.

Hold on a moment, because I am getting lost. Could you clarify what
this “vibratory level” means and what it has to do with the evolutionary

The vibratory level refers to the manifestation of the evolutionary state
of the spirit on the energy plane. We could say that the manifestation
of love on the astral or energy plane is the high frequency vibration.
Therefore, the high frequency vibration corresponds to the astral body
of the most advanced spirits, that have a greater capacity to love and
that are detached from egoism. The low frequency vibration is
characteristic of spirits that have not advanced very much and still act
with egoism. Within those two extremes there are spirits that are at
intermediate levels of evolution and, consequently, with intermediate
frequency vibrations. Each one of them, depending on their
evolutionary state, after disincarnation, will be placed on the plane
corresponding to their vibratory level.

I don ́t understand anything. You talk to me about the spiritual world,
vibratory levels, energy planes, inferior and superior astrals, but they
are such ambiguous terms to me that I don ́t know what they mean
exactly or what they refer to. Could you describe to me what that

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