(avery) #1

supposed spiritual world is like, where those energy vibratory levels, or
whatever they are called, are exactly, and what inferior and superior
astrals mean?

Describing the spiritual world in full detail to someone who is incarnate
and cannot in that state appreciate it in its entirety is extremely
difficult. It is like trying to explain what colour is to a person who has
been blind from birth. Nonetheless, I will try to clarify some aspects
regarding this subject, especially concerning those parts of the spiritual
world where religious ideas or beliefs have portrayed a mistaken or
distorted vision in relation to reality. First of all, I would say to you that
the spiritual world is not a diffuse or empty world without forms and
where spirits wander around idly, not knowing where to go. It ́s a real,
palpable world which has always existed and will always exist; it is the
real home of the spirit because, unlike physical worlds, which have a
beginning and an end, it can never be destroyed.

But if it ́s so real, why can ́t we see it?
The fact that it is not visible to you, does not mean that it doesn ́t exist.
When you are incarnate, your perceptions are limited to what your
physical senses are able to capture. For example, you define light as a
set of waves which vibrate at different frequencies. The spectrum of
visible light that you are able to see is limited to the seven colours of
the rainbow, increasing the vibratory light frequency from red to violet.
However, there is light above and below that range of frequencies
that you can ́t see, but which also exists and that you have been able
to detect by using devices. Above the violet coloured frequency, are
the ultraviolet light, X rays and gamma rays. Below the red frequency,
are the infrared waves, microwaves and radio and television waves.
Something similar happens with perception regarding the spiritual
world. Continuing with the analogy of light waves, you could say that
the spiritual world moves within a range of frequencies that your senses
are unable to capture and within that range there are frequencies of
higher and lower vibration.

But if it exists it must be composed of something. We know that the
matter of our world is composed of different kinds of atoms which are
joined in different grades and forms and from the combinations of
these atoms emerges the matter, from which our world is made, having
its own particular physical properties. In the case of the spiritual world,
is there some kind of raw material from which all the rest is formed?

Yes, you could call it vital essence or spiritual principle.

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