(avery) #1

That’s right, but only on vibratory levels that are compatible with your
own level.

Does a disincarnate spirit also have the freedom to travel through the
different bands of the astral world?

The spirits from the superior levels enjoy greater freedom of movement
and can go down to inferior levels, although it is as uncomfortable for
them as it would be for you to walk through a quagmire. The spirits from
the inferior levels cannot rise to superior levels, until they manage to
raise their vibratory level. This can only be accomplished when they
evolve spiritually. So contact between spirits of different levels is always
achieved by the most advanced spirit descending to the less
advanced region. The spirits that live in the dense areas of the inferior
astral have more difficulty moving around their surroundings,
appearing almost to live with the same limitations as an incarnate
human, because the vibration of the “astral matter” in this area is so
low that it is very similar to physical matter. Conversely, spirits of the
superior astral can travel freely, although in order to be able to
manifest themselves in the inferior astral and be able to be seen by the
inhabitants there, would have to adjust their vibration, and this is as
hard for them as it is for you to breathe in a room full of smoke.

Why does this separation between levels exist?
This separation is inherent in the nature of the astral world and stops the
less advanced spirits from infiltrating into regions of high vibration,
where love reigns, and from causing harm to the inhabitants.

Is there some kind of connection between these vibratory bands or are
they completely separate from one another?

The separations are not abrupt but rather gradual. Just as the density
of the atmosphere gradually diminishes on moving away from the
earth’s surface, the same happens with the density of astral matter.
The different communities of the astral are connected with one
another and there is movement of spirits, but with the limitation that we
have previously indicated. In other words, while the advanced spirits
can move freely on their level and on inferior levels, the less advanced
spirits can only reach superior levels by increasing their vibratory level,
through spiritual evolution. The communities from the intermediate
astral are helped by the communities from the superior astral, from
which they receive spiritual and technical advice in order to organise
their communities according to the more advanced spiritual laws. At
the same time, missions leave these communities in the intermediate
astral to help spirits from the inferior astral that are in a position to leave

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