(avery) #1

more similar to the will of the Creator and they are voluntarily
integrated into the divine plan.

Could you give me a general vision or an example so that we can
understand the process of spiritual evolution in a global way?

Yes. The individual evolution of spirits is similar to the evolution of the
human being in one single life. New born babies uniquely develop their
vital functions by themselves in a biologically programmed way, in
order to maintain organic life. Babies are unable to make their own
decisions and totally depend on their parents to survive. As children
grow up, they progressively acquire some autonomy and depend less
and less on their parents. Once the stage of adolescence is reached,
individuals feel more of a need to experience things for themselves
and to feel free and independent to make their own decisions. This
often causes confrontation with their parents. Although they try to give
advice from the experience that having lived longer has given them,
adolescents see this as interfering in their lives. They often make the
wrong decisions, in spite of warnings from their parents. But they need
to experience it for themselves, despite the fact that this may cause
them suffering. As they continue to experience things and learn from
the consequences of their own decisions they continue to mature until
they reach adulthood, where they become totally independent from
their parents.

The process of spiritual evolution is similar to that of a child becoming
an adult. Initially, primary spiritual beings are totally dependent on
other more advanced spiritual beings that completely guide their
evolution. During these stages, incarnation serves to acquire
experience and develop certain qualities, such as intelligence and
emotions, that will be the base upon which future spirits will develop
their own will - just as interaction in the world serves for children to
develop, learn to speak and walk, although they are not yet able to
make important decisions of their own accord. As spiritual beings
evolve, they are allowed to participate in making decisions, that is to
say, they acquire some autonomy. Once a certain point is reached,
when spiritual beings are mature enough, they will acquire their own
free will, which is the capacity to decide their own destiny for
themselves. In other words, they acquire their independence and
make their own decisions regarding their evolution. At that point, the
guiding spirits play a very similar role with their “godchildren, to those
parents who give advice to their sons and daughters and warn them
about the possible dangers that certain attitudes bring, without forcing
their will. The guiding spirits let their spiritual pupils choose their own

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