(avery) #1

Why do you call it a “protospirit”?
I have used that term here in order to differentiate it from a spirit that is
in human phase. It is a previous stage of the spiritual being, in which
there is now a fairly high level of individuality, but it doesn ́t yet have
free will, and corresponds to the spiritual beings that incarnate in
superior mammals.

What can be achieved by that kind of programme of successive

That the spiritual being advances both in knowledge and feeling,
growing in wisdom and love.

Until when? In other words, is there some maximum limit that we can

The maximum limit we can reach through progressive evolution is the
capacity of God. And as this is infinite, we reach the conclusion that
there are no limits. It is a process of constant and infinite evolution. But
if you refer to the process of material incarnations, as spirits advance,
the incarnations take place with longer intervals and the time that
spirits spend without incarnating increases. There comes a point
where they no longer need to keep incarnating in the physical world in
order to evolve, and then they continue their evolution on the more
subtle planes of existence. Then we would enter into the fifth level,
there being two more levels above this one. However humans from
Earth are still a long way from reaching that point, so there is no point
talking about that now.

Although I may be repeating questions, I will ask them again, because
I think you could elaborate on certain answers more than at the
beginning. So here goes: If spirits have a beginning, do they have an
end? In other words, can spirits die?

Spirits cannot die. It would make no sense if, after all the effort made
by spirits in order to advance, they ceased to exist after having
reached the highest state of their evolution. Be clear about one thing -
spirits are immortal. Only the different bodies, in which they incarnate in
order to evolve, die.

Yes, but would it be possible for those spirits that became very evolved
and close to God, to fuse with God?

On evolving, spirits get very close to God, but they don ́t fuse with Him,
that is to say they do not lose their individuality, because losing their
individuality would almost be like dying. But rather, their wills become

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