(avery) #1

suitable physical vehicles, which allows them to continue advancing in
their apprenticeship. These new species arise as modifications of the
already existing species, so that the transition process of the spirit from
one species to another is progressive and not abrupt.

So what you are saying is that the spiritual beings have to incarnate in
all species in order to advance?

Not in all species, because many species are on a similar level. But they
do have to go through all levels.

Could it not occur that, as spirits advance, there is a lack of protospirits
which need to incarnate in the inferior species? What would happen to
those species in that case?

The process of spiritual creation never ceases, so there will always be
beings of different evolutionary levels that need to incarnate in the
physical world in order to learn.
What is certain is that in the creative process there are periods or
cycles of greater or lesser creative intensity, so that it sometimes occurs
that a large number of spirits or protospirits accumulate in one period,
there being fewer in previous or later periods - just as happens with the
birthrates in many countries, where periods of population explosion are
followed by periods of lower birthrates. But all this has been planned
beforehand in the cosmic plan of evolution and do not doubt that the
superior spiritual entities, which are in charge of directing this, are
perfectly aware of these needs. If there is a large number of beings
that are simultaneously making the same evolutionary leap, they can
determine the massive extinction of certain species that are not
needed at that particular moment, as happened to the dinosaurs, and
the appearance and proliferation of new more evolutionarily
advanced species.

According to what you are saying, do you mean that the spirits of
animals can incarnate into humans?

As I said, as the spiritual advance occurs, spirits also need to incarnate
into more advanced material bodies, but not much more than their
capacity, as they would be overwhelmed by the situation, just as a
student in a pilot school does not begin his training by piloting a plane
full of passengers straightaway, but rather he begins his training with a
flight simulator, then he pilots small planes and only when he is ready
will he begin to pilot large planes. The protospirit that is able to
incarnate in a primate, whilst possessing quite a few capacities, both
intelligence and feeling, but still without complete free will, can
incarnate in a hominid and as it goes on learning will incarnate in

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