(avery) #1

species with a cranial capacity more suited to its evolutionary needs.
So the spirit of an animal will eventually end up evolving until it
becomes a human spirit, incarnating at any moment in the human
species. But this won ́t happen all of a sudden, in an immediate life,
but rather after a process of many incarnations in intermediate
species, rather like children who are in the first year of primary school
and have passed all subjects, will not go up to secondary school the
following academic year, but rather will go into the second year of
primary, and as they go on passing the following years, the time will
come when they will be ready to study at secondary school.

And vice versa, can human spirits incarnate in animals?
According to what I have previously explained, the incarnation of
humans in animals is impossible, because this would be a backward
movement in evolution. Spirits can stagnate in their evolution, but they
cannot regress or go back to previous phases that they have already
gone through, just as students who don’t pass the exams of one
academic year cannot be sent back to a lower year; they will have to
repeat the same course the following year.

But if that is so, if we have all been animals at one point and animals
will be like us in the future, this makes me question our behaviour
towards them a great deal, especially those that are closer to us in
evolution, such as superior mammals. For example breeding animals
for meat consumption or for their fur, hunting and all those events that
make animals suffer, such as bullfighting, that would be like doing all
these things to a human being, as they are so close to us spiritually!

That ́s right. As they are your brothers, they deserve more
consideration and respect. But as most humans don ́t even respect the
lives and rights of their own species, it is even harder to expect that
they respect beings that they consider to be little less than nothing.
Even so you are progressing with regard to past eras. Cavemen had no
problem eating human flesh, but nowadays cannibalism is considered
to be revolting and inhuman. And why? Well, because the level of
sensitivity towards other human beings has grown compared to that
primitive era. The same thing will happen with animals. When the
majority are sensitive to their suffering and realise that they really are
very close brothers in evolution, both physically and spiritually, they will
no longer be enslaved, tortured and killed in order to eat their meat or
dress in their furs. In fact, there are already many people in your world
who would consider it outrageous to eat their pets and many people
who are fighting for animal rights and have given up eating meat,
because they have evolved enough to be aware of the close

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