(avery) #1

spiritual progress, so you don ́t need to worry about your body not
responding to your evolutionary level.
As I said, the phase of human evolution is in no way the end of spiritual
evolution. Not even the level of humanity which you are at is as yet an
advanced level, neither spiritually nor physically. In the same way as
two steps below you there existed Homo Habilis and one step further
down, Neanderthal man, above your level there are four more levels
of humanity (from 4.4 to 4.7), which spiritually have a greater capacity
for love and wisdom. These beings do need more advanced bodies,
more subtle and with a greater capacity than yours in order to be able
to develop their full potential.

And where are those supermen, I don ́t see them anywhere?
There are entire humanities that live on other planets, covering all
evolutionary levels and consequently also those levels superior to yours.
Actually, a few of those more advanced humans have lived and are
living amongst you to help you increase your evolutionary level. But we
will talk about this topic later.

And where is our physical evolution heading? I mean, how will our
body change?

It will be like changing clothes, like changing from an esparto grass
garment into a silk garment after passing through corduroy, wool, and
cotton as intermediary stages. It will become more subtle, less dense
and therefore will need less aggressive food; it will be more energetic
and less material. The brain capacity will continue to increase - which
will not only allow a greater development of intellectual capacity but
will also serve to support the development of extrasensory perceptions
such as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, which for you are at
present only in a latent state, to such an extent that most of you aren ́t
even aware of them and deny their existence. In fact, the few people
who have developed these potentials, whether innate or through their
own will and effort, are considered to be crazy by the others. In
general it will be a body that is not so apt to do strenuous physical work
and is more sensitive to feelings and thoughts.

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