(avery) #1

connection that they have with animals. As humanity advances
spiritually, vegetarianism will increase as well as the respect for animal
rights. In the more spiritually advanced human civilizations, one step
above yours, eating animal meat is just as disgusting to them as eating
human flesh is to you and, of course, they don ́t entertain themselves
by putting animals in cages, torturing them and killing them, as in your

Yes, but I have always heard that you need to eat everything,
including meat, in order to be healthy and that if you don ́t eat meat,
you could become ill because you lack certain essential nutrients. Is
there some truth in this?

It is true that when a person who has eaten meat all his life decides to
become a vegetarian, it is recommended that this should be done
gradually, because his physiology must become accustomed to it. But
it is not true that vegetarians have any nutritional deficiency. Pulses are
an excellent source of protein, and they do not derive from meat. The
exact opposite is true. It is much healthier. As a vegetarian you will
avoid lots of diseases that are caused by meat rotting inside your
organism, and through the distorsion and the decline of the vibratory
rate of your astral body due to the consumption of a being that is so
similar in evolution to you. For your physiology, an ovolacto-vegetarian
diet is perfectly healthy and provides your organism with everything it

And on what does it depend that spirits stop incarnating in one species
and start to incarnate in another more evolved species?

It depends on the advancement that they have made during that
period. Spiritual beings won ́t be able to incarnate in a species of the
next higher evolutionary level until they have learned enough through
incarnating in the species of a similar evolutionary level. The beings
that advance faster will be the first to incarnate in the species one step
above their current level.

And can this happen with humans as well? I mean, what will happen
when we evolve over and above the capacity of our species on a
physical level?

You still don ́t use even a quarter of the potential capacity of your
organism, so you are still far from being able to argue that your
organism has remained obsolete to support your increasing
capabilities. Anyway, the human species of your planet has already
evolved on the physical plane, slowly but surely, parallel to your

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