(avery) #1

Human reincarnation and its role in spiritual evolution

Although we have already talked about this, could you give me the
exact definition of reincarnation?

Reincarnation refers to the multiplicity of physical lives or incarnations,
in other words, the same being or spirit that has given life to a body
from birth until death can incarnate again in a newborn baby and live
a new life in the physical world.

What is the purpose of reincarnation in relation to spiritual evolution?
Spiritual training resembles the training that takes place in school. In
school, study periods are alternated between evaluation or exam
periods, where the students have to show what they have learned. The
same occurs with spiritual training. During the stage when the spirits are
disincarnate, they study and prepare themselves spiritually. During the
period that they are incarnate, they put into practice what they have
learned without any kind of coercion, in other words, through their own
free will. Each incarnation is for each spirit an opportunity for
evaluation of a particular course. Those spirits that pass the evaluation
will go on to study a more advanced course, which will be initiated on
the spiritual plane with the learning of new spiritual teachings. When
the spirits are prepared and have assimilated the new knowledge, they
will incarnate again in order to secure this knowledge internally through

Well, it seems to me that there are people who have to face very
severe tests which I don’t know that I could pass.

In each incarnation, each spirit has to face tests that are fitting for that
particular incarnation. Such tests are in accordance with the capacity
of each spirit. Before incarnating, all spirits know what tests they need in
order to advance and conscientiously prepare themselves when they
are not incarnate in order to be able to successfully pass these tests,
just like the sportsman who reaches the finals of a competition does
not make it by chance, but rather he has been conscientiously training
throughout the whole year, after having previously passed several
qualifying tests. Consequently, nobody confronts tests that they cannot

I don’t understand the need for reincarnation. Why is it necessary to
live many more times in the physical world?

Do the students complete their training in one single course? Although
they may have learned a lot in one course, there will always be

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