(avery) #1

something that they haven ́t yet been able to learn and that requires
more time. The spirits in evolution are also students and also need more
than one course, in other words, more than one life, to learn everything
they need and want to learn.

But couldn’t you live here only once and then pass on to another
plane of existence and continue evolving there without needing to go
back to Earth?

You could, but just as it would be such a waste to throw away a dress
after only wearing it once, it would be an under-use of the material
world if we were to only use it once, a mere hundred years maximum
that one of your physical lives can last, when it has taken thousands of
millions of years to form one planet and to develop suitable conditions
to sustain life. It is a question of optimising resources. Do you have
schools for only one year? In your world, a student spends at least six
years in the same school without having to change schools. For
example, children will stay at primary school from the age of 5 to 11
years old. Only after finishing primary school education will they
change schools to go on to secondary education. It is the same with a
spirit in training. Your planet is like a primary school where primary
school spirits come to learn. When those spirits have learned everything
which that school, or rather that world, can teach them, then they are
ready to attend another school where they will receive a higher level
education. In other words they will be able to incarnate in another
world more in accordance with their evolutionary level and learning
needs. In the meantime, they will continue to evolve in that world or in
another world of a similar level.

And why, if we have lived previously, don’t we remember other lives?
It is a need of the spirit in your current evolutionary state.

Why do we need to forget that supposed past of other lives?
It’s necessary for you to concentrate on the objectives of your present
life, without your own memories or other people’s, which would
prevent the spirit from acting with its own free will, so that its conduct is
not conditioned by acts from the past.

This seems to contradict the law of progressive evolution, because if
the spirit cannot remember the lessons learnt in previous lives, isn’t that
like having to start again from scratch each time?

Precise memories are forgotten, but not what you have learned
spiritually. This is retained in the spiritual memory of the spirit, although
not in the physical memory which does start again from scratch in

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