(avery) #1

technologically and spiritually, as individuals are no longer enslaved to
egoistic activities that are eminently materialistic or destructive.

What you are describing seems a bit like the communist or socialist
systems of some countries on Earth.

In some ways.

But on Earth that system has failed totally.
Bear in mind that in the countries on Earth where socialism was
introduced, it was imposed using violence and never had a spiritual
side, only the material side. Despite the apparent sense of collectivity,
the reality is that individual egoism, which is the basis of all inequality,
promoted the appearance of dominant classes that forced their
opinions on the rest. For socialism to be real and functional, it must also
be spiritual, not just a material framework, and it has to be adopted by
an inner conviction, never by coercion through the use of force as has
happened in your world. In other words, it is necessary to eradicate
egoism from the interior of each person and substitute it with love, and
then the physical changes will appear spontaneously, on a collective
level, as a logical consequence of the internal change. In contrast to
the egoistic, materialistic and atheistic socialism on Earth, these worlds
live what you could call a “spiritual socialism”.

And what is the government system, that is to say, do they have
democracies, republics or monarchies?

None of those names would be the correct term. It is the government
of the most evolved beings. The greatest responsibility is given to
whoever has the greatest capacity, in terms of wisdom and love.

Is there any kind of government on Earth that is similar?
The most similar is that of some American Indian tribes, with their
councils of elders.

How are the rulers elected?
Well, this varies on each planet. Normally, there are different councils
formed by representatives from different areas and, within the council,
the coordinator is elected through the voting of the members of the
council which can either be rotating or more long term, according to
the planet.

And how do they become part of those Councils?
As a result of the abilities shown by certain individuals during their
childhood, their education is focused towards management tasks. As

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