(avery) #1

I still don’t see this clearly.
Look, I will give you an example from your own world so that you will
understand. In order for someone in your world to become a doctor,
they need academic training that takes years, a minimum amount of
experience, and they have to demonstrate that they are professional
and that they promise to respect a very strict ethical code. It would be
a waste if after all this preparation, they were to be substituted in their
post every four years. Imagine you have appendicitis and you need an
operation. Would you want the surgeon to be a person such as I have
just described or perhaps you would prefer a surgeon who is chosen in
elections from amongst several people who don’t have any qualified
training as a surgeon? Well, that is precisely what happens in your
world. You give access to any unscrupulous person for the task of
governing. In these worlds the same is demanded for government
leaders as for a doctor, that they are qualified, that they have a
certain level of love and that they demonstrate this through deeds.

So you don’t feel that democracy is an advanced form of governing?
Maybe I haven’t explained myself very well. The fact that people have
the capacity to elect their government and it has not been imposed
upon them by certain people is rather spiritually advanced. As a
matter of fact, the governments that I am describing have been freely
elected by the citizens of these worlds and any important change
introduced requires the consensus and approval of their inhabitants.
However, sometimes the fact that there are periodic elections to elect
certain representatives does not mean that it is a free and democratic
election, if the candidates who have been preselected from amongst
those who are supported by those people who actually have the
power behind the scenes, and if the propaganda is biased in favour of
certain political options to the detriment of others. What would you
think of elections where Stalin and Hitler were the candidates?

Possibly it would be better to abstain or return a blank ballot paper.
Anyway, the system of periodic elections is the most advanced form of
government possible in your world at the moment, since considering
the level of corruption that exists in the political classes, it is not
advisable to leave the same people in power for a long time.

But wait. You have mentioned something about those people who
actually have the power behind the scenes. What do you mean by

You must bear in mind that sometimes those who hold political posts
are not the real leaders, but are simply puppets that are substituted

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