(avery) #1

now and then, and that apparent democracies with periodic elections
and political parties in opposition are just a cover-up to conceal a
dictatorship of an elite whose only objective is to keep the people in
ignorance, so that they can continue their abuse.

What is the education like?
Spirit, mind and body are educated as a whole to their full potential
and orientated, in accordance with their vocation. In these worlds
extrasensory perception is highly developed. Thanks to this, the
teachers know their students much better, which allows them to know
their capability, their vocation and their concerns. Apart from the
intellectual training, the individual’s potential, which you don’t even
acknowledge yet, is developed, which allows them to develop their
own connection with superior spirituality, such as clairvoyance,
telepathy and psychokinesis.

What kind of beliefs do they have?
Religions as such do not exist, understanding religion to be a structured
organisation with priests and dogmas which somehow you need to
join, believe in certain dogmas and follow certain norms. As I have said
before, what does exist is a very clear consciousness of spiritual reality,
the origin, and destiny of each being, and of the laws that govern the
Universe, and this is reflected in every activity developed on the
planet, in education, the economy, politics, etc.

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