(avery) #1

Any formula that coerces the free expression of thought and feeling
would disappear. Consequently censure, manipulation, deception,
repression, or kidnapping would not exist.
Any egoistic religion, philosophy or doctrine that justifies oppression,
aggression, control and/or violence against other human beings
because of racial, religious, cultural, economic, political or of any other
nature would disappear. Therefore racism, totalitarianism, fascism,
religious fanaticism, militarism, imperialism or capitalism would
disappear, because they are ideologies that base the wellbeing of a
few people on the suffering of other human beings.

Any form of slavery, be it physical or mental, which tries to impose
upon the spiritual being will fail, because spirits will rebel internally
against anything that enslaves them and sooner or later will fight
against it with all their force to free themselves. This is the reason why
any doctrine, religion, ideology, political or economic system that does
not respect the law of free will of the spirit will be unstable and short-
lived, whereas those based on the spiritual laws are stable and long-

Any form of slavery would disappear, be it physical or psychological
abuse, inside or outside family ties, neither parents against their
children nor children against their parents, nor husbands against their
wives nor wives against their husbands, nor bosses against their
employees, nor employees against their bosses, nor the strong against
the weak.
Any practice, pastime or entertainment based on causing suffering
and destruction to other living beings would disappear, especially to
those mammals that are closer to us in evolution, such as higher
mammals, that are not strictly for reasons of survival, such as
bullfighting, hunting, fishing, and livestock farming in developed

But in order to keep a law, it is essential to know it, isn ́t it? How is it
possible to teach people who have no interest in learning without
obliging them in some way? Wouldn ́t you have to do something, as
when children don’t want to go to school and you oblige them to go in
order to learn?

As I have said, if we have just mentioned that to keep the law of free
will is to respect the spirit’s will to decide freely, however spiritual it may
be, the very nature of the law impedes imposing it, as to do so would
be to violate that same law. In other words, the end does not justify the
means and even less if, by the means, we are failing to observe the

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