(avery) #1

There are many people who affirm their atheism with the maxim: “If
there really were a God, He would not allow such injustices to occur in
the world”. What is your opinion regarding this?

It is an opinion based upon an incomplete knowledge of spiritual
reality, which is conducive to interpreting certain dramatic situations
on Earth as part of an injustice, because a belief is held that the life of
the being starts with the birth of the physical body. If we were to
consider that the life of a human being starts with birth, we would
reach the inevitable conclusion that the world is unjust and that if there
is a creator, He is an equally unjust one, because He seems to favour
from the beginning some beings to the detriment of others. Are there
not beings that come into this world from birth with a life perspective
full of misfortune, either because they are born with illnesses from birth
or in extreme poverty or in families that don’t love them, while others
seem to be the favourites of providence because they are smarter,
more beautiful, more loving, more loved or healthier?

But if we consider that this life is no more than a brief episode of the life
of each being, and that this episode is the just continuation and
consequence of a series of previous episodes that perfectly link up with
the circumstances that the spirit finds in the current life, we can begin
to understand that which seemed incomprehensible and hence unjust
to us before. Absolutely all spirits start off from the same point. All
spiritual beings are created equally, as an ignorant and unconscious
spiritual vital principle, but with the potential to constantly and
indefinitely evolve until reaching the greatest heights of love and
wisdom, through the experience of the sum of uncountable
incarnations. The only differences in the starting point between some
spirits and others lie in the moment they were created, in other words,
in the age of the spirit, as the process of creation of spiritual life is
never-ending. Whereas some started on that path thousands of millions
of years ago, even before your galaxy was scarcely a nebula in
formation, and have gone through numerous incarnations in the
physical world, others have only just started their evolutionary process.
In other words, they are young spirits. Depending on their actions and
their decisions, their evolutionary path will be straight or winding, fast or
Haven’t you ever noticed that there are people who show great
maturity for their age from very early on, with a great capacity to love
and understand, while others who are adults or elderly people
physically are still immature in their behaviour, to the point that they
seem to be younger than they actually appear physically? The

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