(avery) #1

differences that you observe between some spirits and others
regarding their spiritual capacity, apparently innate, are due to the
higher or lower age of the spirit, and to the greater or lesser use that
they made of their incarnations for their spiritual progression. Whereas,
the differences observed in the circumstances of their lives, which
seem to be the outcome of fate, tally with the consequences or
decisions that these same spirits have taken in former lives and during
the period of life when they are not incarnate.

And what do the acts of the current life have to do with those acts lived
in the past?

A universal law exists, which you could call the Law of Spiritual Justice,
the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Spiritual Action and
Reaction, which more or less says that you receive exactly the same as
you give. In reality what that means is that what we do to others, we
actually do to ourselves as well. The consequence of this is that we
have to face the circumstances that we have created ourselves.
Consequently, many of the adverse circumstances that spirits have to
face in one lifetime are the consequence or the effect of a situation
that they created themselves in a former incarnation.

Why is it a universal law?
Because spirits cannot be happy or advance in their spiritual evolution
without having faced and resolved all those circumstances, all those
acts that they committed against the universal laws and against other
beings of creation.
If through the law of free will spirits are free to choose whichever path
they want and to make the decisions that they think appropriate,
through the law of spiritual justice they should know that every deed
committed has its consequences and that finally, sooner or later these
will end up affecting them. Said in another way: “Sowing is free,
harvest is compulsory”. This means that if something seemed the right
thing to do as perpetrators, it should also seem fair to us when on the
receiving end and vice versa. I mean, if we don’t like receiving the
same as we gave, it means that there was something not quite right
about what we did, because what is not good for us is not good for
others either. You have heard many great prophets, including Jesus
himself, say: “Do not do to others what you would not have them do to
you.” and “do to others what you would have them do to you”.
Knowing the law of action and reaction, we should add a postscript to
this maxim: “Do not do to others what you would not have them do to
you, because in the end you will do it to yourself” and “Do to others
what you would have them do to you, because in reality you do it to

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