Arabic: An Essential Grammar

(backadmin) #1

Translate into Arabic:

(1) The manager accepted the excuse of these two girls.

(2) This is forbidden and that is permitted.

(3) This door of the university is new.

(4) Those youths are travelling together on this train to that distant city.

(5) This professor accepted the excuse of that foreign journalist (m.).

(6) This much fear of that problem has no explanation.

(7) I sat yesterday on that chair with this old man.

(8) The girl’s dictionary is from that bookshop (library).

(9) This ugly man is the cause of this problem.

(10) The writer sat on a chair in front of this library.

(11) These retired persons are travelling in this car.

(12) I sat with this old man in that expensive coffee shop.

(13) This professor’s book is old and torn.

(14) The door of this library is locked and the key is with that employee.

(15) The writer (f.) of those articles in these monthly magazines is a foreign

journalist (f.).


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