French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
Possessives 99

5 Translate the following sentences into French using the appropriate possessive adjective or
a She has left her umbrella on the bus.
b Our flag is blue, white and red.
c He borrowed her bicycle and her helmet.
d These are our rucksacks. Yours are over there.
e I hope your lunch was better than ours.

6 Translate the following sentences into French, using possessive adjectives or pronouns where
a She liked her primary school very much.
b Don’t forget your tickets.
c She slipped and sprained her ankle.
d This signature is not his.
e There will be no provisions. Everyone must bring their own.
f We met one of his friends at the station.
g Have you heard from her?
h The quality of an essay does not depend on its length.
i It’s his father who is going to organize the wedding.
j Everyone in turn!
k Everyone to his/her own taste.

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