French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
c When the affirmative imperative is followed by more than one pronoun, the order is: verb +
direct object + indirect object + y/en.
e.g. Donnez-le-lui; Servez-vous-en
A hyphen links each element to the next.
d With negative imperatives, the pronouns precede the verb and their order is the same as with
non-imperative verbs (see Chapter 10).

See for further information: Coffman Crocker, pp. 132–7
Ferrar, pp. 49, 204–6
Hawkins and Towell, pp. 163–4, 284–7
Judge and Healey, pp. 177–81, 222
L’Huillier, pp. 192–201
Price, pp. 147, 257–8, 391–2
Turk and Vandaele, pp. 106–10

1 Rewrite text 2 in the nousform of the imperative, beginning, ‘Automobilistes, apprenons.. .’.

2 Imagine that the writer of text 2 was addressing a friend and rewrite her text in the second-
person SINGULAR imperative, substituting the words ‘Si tu es au volant’ for the address to
‘Automobiliste’, in line 1 and the words ‘Si tu vas à pied’, for the address to ‘Piéton’in line 4.

3 Replace the infinitives in italics with the vousform of the imperative.
a Se calmer. S’asseoirlà et essayerde respirer à fond.
b Me donnerun moment. Ne pas me tracasser.
c Êtregentil. M’aiderà descendre la valise s’il vous plaît.
d Avoirpatience. Ne pas vous moquerde lui.
e Vouloirrépondre dans les plus brefs délais.
f S’en aller. Me laisseren paix.
g Se souvenirde son anniversaire. Savoirqu’il tient beaucoup à vous.
h Se soigner. Faireattention à votre régime et ne pas oublierde respecter les consignes du
i Finirvotre dissertation. La reliredemain.
j Ne pas se préoccuperde cela. Sourire. Il n’y a pas de problème.
k Vendrevotre vélo. S’acheterune voiture.

4 Write a second version of the above sentences, using the familiar form as if you were
addressing a friend, and remember to make all the necessary changes that this will entail.
Omit ewhich is very formal in register.

126 French Grammar in Context

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