French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

5 Translate the following sentences into French.

a Look for your shoes!
b Don’t eat from the dog’s bowl!
c Look at me when I speak to you!
d Don’t be so noisy!
e Stop pulling the dog’s tail!
f Don’t talk to strangers!
g Don’t pick your nose!
h Go and enjoy yourself!

6 Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the words in italics with appropriate pronouns. Pay
particular attention to word order.
a Parle de tes études à ton père.
b Occupez-vous de ce travailet faites attention à la date limite.
c Donnez de l’argent au mendiant.
d Offre ces fleurs à ta mère. Remercie ta mèrede ma part.
e N’oubliez pas la date de son anniversaire.
f Ne venez pas demander son adresse. Ne cherchez pas à trouver sa cachette.
g Va à la réunion. Donne ces papiers aux délégués.
h Parle de tes projets. Explique tes idées.

7 Composition

A friend is going to look after your home, plants and cat whilst you are away for a week’s
holiday in the summer. Write him or her a short note, giving instructions in the familiar form
of the imperative, as to e.g. when/how much to feed the cat, how often to water the plants,
and encouraging him/her to help him/herself to coffee/tea/biscuits.

The imperative 127
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