French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

170 French Grammar in Context

The present subjunctive in the text

a The subjunctive is normally used only in subordinate clauses, and its use is triggered by a
particular signal in the main clause. The trigger may fall into one of three grammatical
categories. The two principal categories are:

  • a verb, which may be either a personal verb, e.g. je m’étonne(line 6) or an impersonal verb,
    e.g. il faut(line 19)

  • a conjunction, e.g. à moins que(line 15); pour que(line 23).
    For details of the third category, a particular type of antecedent + relative pronoun, and for
    universal expressions, such as ‘whoever he may be’, see Discover more about the present
    subjunctive, 1b,below.

b The verbs which trigger a subjunctive in the subordinate clause are most usefully categorized
by meaning. All of them imply that the events of the subordinate clause are viewed with a
significant measure of personal interpretation.

c Verbs expressing personal desire
The first group of verbs express personal desire, an intention that something should or should
not happen, e.g. Voulez-vous que nous restions(lines 34–5). Note that in the latter instance,
English would use an infinitive – Do you want us to stay? It is not possible to use an infinitive
in French after vouloirand many other verbs of similar meaning unless the subject is the same
in both halves of the sentence, e.g. je veux rester= I want to stay myself, but je veux que nous
restions= I want us to stay. See also 2, Avoidance of the subjunctive, below.
d Impersonal expressions of necessity, e.g. il faut donc que je confonde(line 19); il suffit qu’un
fragment... s’introduise(lines 20–1), may be usefully categorized alongside personal
expressions of desire.

e Verbs expressing emotion
A second group of verbs express emotion, e.g. surprise: je m’étonne qu’il traîne(lines 6–7) and
fear: j’ai peur... que mon indiscrétion ne lui paraisse étrange... (line 8); je crains que(line 31).
It will be noted that after verbs of fearing, the verb in the subjunctive is preceded by ne, e.g. je
crains qu’il ne soit déjà parti(line 31). This is a feature of careful written French. It is not to be
understood as a negative. See also the note at the end of ibelow.

«Il ne semble pas, dit-il, que vous ayezl’habitude de marcher seul. Voulez-vous
35 que nous restionsensemble encore un peu? Où allez-vous?»
La question m’embarrasse. Mais je dois éviter que mon guide improvisé ne s’en
aperçoive. Pour qu’il ne sachepas que je ne sais pas moi-même où je vais, je
réponds avec assurance, sans réfléchir: «À la gare du Nord.»

A. Robbe-Grillet, Djinn
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