French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
c Cette semaine j’ai le temps d’aller au cinéma. (la semaine dernière, écrire une dissertation)
d Maintenant la plupart des gens ont un portable. (il y a vingt ans, chose rare)
e Maintenant je peux conduire la voiture de mon père. (l’an dernier, pas de permis)
f J’ai pas pu venir à ta soirée. (finir révisions pour l’examen)
g Cette fois-ci, ça va! (l’autre jour, faire des erreurs tout le temps)
h Aujourd’hui j’ai des problèmes avec mon ordinateur. (hier, marcher impeccablement)

3 Translate the following sentences into French, using the imperfect when appropriate.
a Snow covered the ground and it was freezing.
b When she was a child she lived in that house.
c I was fast asleep when she rang up.
d He used to drink pastis at noon every day.
e If it was me, I’d say no!
f When I was younger, I would often visit my grandmother.
g He said it was far too late to send it.
h She had been in the waiting-room for nearly two hours.
i As she was getting dressed, she noticed there was a car on the drive.

4 Oral work
Tell the story of Prévert’s dromedary in French, in your own words, and using the imperfect
whenever appropriate.

5 Work in pairs
Tell your friend some of your childhood memories, using the imperfect whenever possible.
’Quand j’étais petit(e).. .’

6 Written work
Write a paragraph on the following theme, using the imperfect when appropriate.
La vie avant l’invention de l’automobile: Quels étaient les inconvénients? et les avantages?
Comment se débrouillait-on?

16 French Grammar in Context

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