Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 14

Verse 1

A woman who has no fear of God, who is wilful and wasteful, and indulges her ease, will as
certainly ruin her family, as if she plucked her house down.

Verse 2

Here are grace and sin in their true colours. Those that despise God's precepts and promises,
despise God and all his power and mercy.

Verse 3

Pride grows from that root of bitterness which is in the heart. The root must be plucked up, or
we cannot conquer this branch. The prudent words of wise men get them out of difficulties.

Verse 4

There can be no advantage without something which, though of little moment, will affright the

Verse 5

A conscientious witness will not dare to represent anything otherwise than according to his

Verse 6

A scorner treats Divine things with contempt. He that feels his ignorance and unworthiness will
search the Scriptures in a humble spirit.

Verse 7

We discover a wicked man if there is no savour of piety in his discourse.

Verse 8

We are travellers, whose concern is, not to spy out wonders, but to get to their journey's end;
to understand the rules we are to walk by, also the ends we are to walk toward. The bad man cheats
himself, and goes on in his mistake.

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