Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 9

Foolish and profane men consider sin a mere trifle, to be made light of rather than mourned
over. Fools mock at the sin-offering; but those that make light of sin, make light of Christ.

Verse 10

We do not know what stings of conscience, or consuming passions, torment the prosperous
sinner. Nor does the world know the peace of mind a serious Christian enjoys, even in poverty and

Verse 11

Sin ruins many great families; whilst righteousness often raises and strengthens even mean

Verse 12

The ways of carelessness, of worldliness, and of sensuality, seem right to those that walk in
them; but self-deceivers prove self-destroyers. See the vanity of carnal mirth.

Verse 14

Of all sinners backsliders will have the most terror when they reflect on their own ways.

Verse 15

Eager readiness to believe what others say, has ever proved mischievous. The whole world was
thus ruined at first. The man who is spiritually wise, depends on the Saviour alone for acceptance.
He is watchful against the enemies of his salvation, by taking heed to God's word.

Verse 16

Holy fear guards against every thing unholy.

Verse 17

An angry man is to be pitied as well as blamed; but the revengeful is more hateful.

Verse 18

Sin is the shame of sinners; but wisdom is the honour of the wise.
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