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H266 LH xxviiib

i-ša-tim OV(l) – e lacks mimation.^488
e 1 rev. i 19 i-il-ti

(^) H267 LH xxviiib
ez-ze-tim OV – e has defective orthography
e for the adjective furious.” √ezzu, “raging,
1 rev. i 20 e-zé-[ ]
H268 LH xxviiib 35 in OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-nunciation. (^489)
e 1 rev. i 23 i-na
H269 LH xxviiib
er-re-tam OV(l) – e has the wrong vowel for
e the accusative singular.
1 rev. ii 1 [ ]-re-t[um]
H270 LH xxviiib
li-ru-ru SV(2) – e has an additional redun-
e dant pronominal object suffix.^490
1 rev. ii 3 li-ru-ru-šu
H271 LH xxviiib 84 er-re-tim OV(l) – e has the wrong vowel for the genitive singular.
e 1 rev. ii 4 [ ]-re-tum
H272 LH xxviiib 85 da-ni-a-tim OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-nunciation. (^491)
e 1 rev. ii 5 [ ]-ir-a-ta-an
The spelling with IL (⅋) is most likely an error for ŠA (⊭). If the form in e is not an error then the
reading √iltu, “goddess,” is possible: kīma ilti ezzetim ša apim nišišu, “like a raging goddess in the rushes.”
However the reading in the stele seems more likely: kīma išātim ezzetim ša apim nišišu, “like a raging fire
in the rushes.” The reading of the form in e as √i’iltu, “bond,” faces similar problems as an inferior reading
(see G.R. Driver and J.C. Miles, 489 Babylonian Laws, 301).
490 See note above.
491 The pronoun in e clarifies the object of the verb līrurušu, “may they (the gods) curse him.”
The reading in the stele may be amended to “á-ni-a-tim” (see CAD D 100a, and M.T. Roth, Law Collec-
tions, 140), but is read danîtim, “strongly,” by G.R. Driver and J.C. Miles, Babylonian Laws, 288 and 304.
According to R. Borger, Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke, 46, the scribe of e may have erroneously writ-
ten IR (⅕) instead of NI (≌). The end of the form in e is difficult, where the element “-an” could be read
as a ventive marker, or perhaps a dative pronominal suffix. Either interpretation is difficult to force into a

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