Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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G261 J 1 v 36 M]U-˹ár˺ OV – The verb √zakāru, “to speak, mention,”
W b rev. 21’ 1 v 27’ MUza]k-ka-r[a ˺[ is written syllabically in b.^649

(^) G262 C v 44 (^) mi-na-a (^) OV – C writes an extra vowel in the interroga-
W 1 v 29’ mi-na tive √mīnu, “what.”
G263 C v 45 u OV – The conjunction is written with the sign
W 1 v 30a ù U in C.
G264 C v 47 W m ut-ZI OV – W has a phonetic complement on the final element of the proper noun Ūta-napišti
1 v 31’ Z]I- ˹tim
G265 C vi 16a j vi 9a lìb-bi ŠÀ OV – The noun ten syllabically in C. √libbu, “heart, midst,” is writ-
(^) G266 T
j vi 9b’^1 vi 1 d]iši-ba-am-ma?^ Not Counted – The sign in T is too damaged to allow a certain reading.
(^) G267 C vi 17 (^) ˹šum-šu?˺ Not Counted – The sign in the first line of W
W 1 vi 1’ [ ]šá[ vi may be from the previous line.^650 1
G268 C vi 17 T ši-i-bu OV(l) – j has the wrong case vowel for the nominative singular.
j vi 10’^1 vi 2 b]u ]i-bi
(^) G269 C vi 18 (^) a-na-ku (^) OV – C has V-CV against VCV in W.
W 1 vi 2’ ana- ˹ku
G270 C vi 18 T a-[ OV – The preposition cally in C and j. ana is written syllabi-
W^1 vi 3 ana
j vi 11’^1 vi 2’ ana a-na
G271 T 1 vi 3 ana šá su-uḫ-ri-ia-ma SV(2) – W has a different phraseology com-
(^649) The possible ventive suffix appended to the verb in b ( (^) cf. G1, G182, G188, G226 and G233 above) is
not counted in the light of Rule 3. 650
W may have combined lines 298 and 299 (according to George’s line numbering in Gilgamesh, 722)
into one line that was written on the first line of column vi, meaning that this is a variation in the layout of
the text rather than an actual textual variant. For this suggestion see A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 896.

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