Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

§508 our second state 301

they are separated from the more outward factors that constrained them

in the world. In short, they lose their rationality because in the world

their rationality did not dwell in their deeper natures but in their outer

ones. Still, they seem to themselves to be wiser than anyone else.

[ 3 ] Once people like this are in the second state, they are let back into

the state of their more outward concerns for brief periods of time. They

then retain a memory of how they behaved when they were in the state of

their more inward concerns. Some of them are embarrassed, and admit

that they were insane. Some of them are not embarrassed at all. Some of

them resent the fact that they are not allowed to be in the state of their

more outward concerns all the time, but they are shown what they would

be like if they were constantly in this state. They would be constantly try-

ing to do the same things covertly, misleading people of simple heart and

faith with simulations of goodness, honesty, and fairness. They would

destroy themselves completely, because eventually their outer natures

would be ablaze with the same fi re as their inner natures; and this would

consume their whole life.

When spirits are in this second state, they actually look exactly the 507

way they were inwardly in the world. The things they had done and said

in secret are made public, too, because now, since outward factors are

not restraining them, they say the same things openly; and they keep try-

ing to do the same things without any of the fear for the reputations that

they had in the world. Further, they are then led into many states of their

evils, so that they look to angels and good spirits like the people they

really are. This is how hidden things are opened and covert things are

uncovered according to the Lord’s words “Nothing is hidden that will

not be disclosed or concealed that will not be recognized. What you have

said in darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in

the ear in closets will be proclaimed on the rooftops” (Luke 12 : 2 – 3 ); and

again, “I tell you, every idle word people have spoken, they will give an

account of it on the day of judgment” (Matthew 12 : 36 ).

There is no way to describe briefl y what evil people are like in this 508

state because their insanity depends on their urges, and these vary. So I

should like to mention just a few particular cases that will enable you to

draw conclusions about the rest.

Some people have loved themselves above all else. They have focused

on their own prestige in their duties and positions, they have done con-

structive things not for the sake of doing them or from fi nding pleasure

in them but for the sake of their reputation, to be ranked above other

people on that account, therefore fi nding pleasure in their reputation for

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