Heaven and Hell: The Portable New Century Edition

(Romina) #1

302 HEAVEN and HELL §508

eminence. When they arrive in the second state, they are supremely stu-

pid because the more they love themselves the farther they move from

heaven, and the farther they move from heaven, the farther they move

from wisdom.

[ 2 ] There are people caught up in self-love and in guile at the same

time, people who have used devious means to raise themselves to posi-

tions of esteem. They take up company with the worst people of all and

study magical arts that are abuses of the divine design, using them to

harass everyone who does not defer to them. They hatch plots, cherish

hatred, breathe out vengeance, and long to savage everyone who does

not submit to them. They plunge into all these behaviors to the extent

that the malevolent horde supports them. Eventually, they start mulling

over how they can climb up to heaven and destroy it, or how they can be

worshiped there as gods. Their madness carries them all the way to this.

[ 3 ] Catholics like this are more insane than others. They cherish the

thought that heaven and hell are in their power and that they can for-

give sins at will. They claim everything divine for themselves and call

themselves Christ. Their belief that this is true is so strong that wherever

it fl ows in it disturbs minds and brings on a darkness to the point of

pain. They are much the same in both states, though in the second they

lack rationality. There will be particular information about their forms

of insanity and their lot after this state in the booklet The Last Judgment

and Babylon Destroyed.

[ 4 ] There are people who have attributed creation to nature and have

therefore denied the Divine Being at heart, though not out loud, thus

denying everything about the church and heaven. They gather with peo-

ple like themselves in this state and call everyone God who is particularly

guileful, even honoring such individuals with divine worship. I have seen

people like this in a meeting worshiping a magician, discussing nature,

and behaving like idiots—as though they were animals in human form.

Some of them had been appointed to high offi ce in the world and some

had been considered learned and wise. The details may vary.

[ 5 ] You may gather from these few cases what people are like whose

deeper levels of mind are closed toward heaven. This is what happens for

everyone who does not accept any infl ow from heaven by acknowledg-

ing the Divine Being and by a living life of faith. People may judge for

themselves what they would be like if this were their nature, if they were

allowed to behave with no fear of the law or fear for their lives, without

any outward restraints—threats to their reputation or to their rank, their

profi t, and the pleasures that attend them.

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