13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

Resources ffrom CCEESP mmembers

Indigenous aand LLocal CCommunities aand PProtected

Areas—towards eequity aand eenhanced cconservation.

Guidance oon ppolicy aand ppractice ffor CCo-mmanaged

Protected AAreas aand CCommunity CConserved AAreas

By GGrazia BBorrini-FFeyerabend, AAshish KKothari aand GGonzalo OOviedo,

with iinputs ffrom MMarco BBassi, PPeter BBille LLarsen, MMaurizio FFarhan

Ferrari, DDiane PPansky aand NNeema PPathak, sseries eeditor: AAdrian PPhillips,

Best PPractice PProtected AArea GGuidelines SSeries, NNo. 11 , IIUCN/ WWCPA aand

CEESP, CCambridge ((UK), 22004. 1112 ppp.

nificant local improvements in some contexts.

This book identifies the flaws in its application,
which often have been swept under the carpet
by those involved in the initiatives. It analyses
them, and it proposes remedies for specific cir-
cumstances based on the lessons learned from
CBNRM experience in southern Africa over the
past decade.

The result is essential reading for all the
researchers, observers and practitioners who
have focused on how CBNRM can be employed
in sustainable development programmes as a
means to overcome poverty in various parts of
the globe. It will be a vital tool in improving their
methods and performance.

Christo Fabricious([email protected]) is
Professor of Environmental Science at Rhodes
University, Grahamstown (South Africa) and a mem-

CConventional approaches to managing

protected areas have tended to see
people and nature as separate entities,
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