13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

History, cculture aand cconservation

often excluding
human commu-
nities from the
use of natural
resources and
perceiving their
concerns as
with conserva-
tion. This has
led to social
costs for many
indigenous peo-
ples and local
with a variety of
conflicts with
important reper-
cussions in both
and economic
terms. This volume—the latest in the WCPA Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines
Series— explores protected area approaches and models that see conservation, and pro-
tected areas of all categories, as fully compatible with human communities as decision-
makers, managers, residents, resource users and
caretaking neighbours. Main themes are co-man-
aged protected areasand community con-
served areas—which are discussed at some
length and illustrated through typologies and
numerous examples. Drawing on experiences,
reflections and advice developed at the local,
national, regional and international level, the vol-
ume offers practical guidance and specific options
for action for conservation practitioners and policy

The Guidelines build upon the IUCN’s efforts to
pursue equity in conservation in the decade since
the term was first included in the IUCN mission
statement (Buenos Aires, 1994) and upon the work
of the IUCN Theme on Indigenous and Local
Communities, Equity and Protected Areas
(TILCEPA) – a joint Theme of the CEESP and WCPA
Commissions. Much of this work was done in
preparation for the VthWorld Parks Congress in
Durban (South Africa), September 2003. The
Guidelines draw upon the outputs of that Congress

TTwwoo kkeeyy ddeeffiinniittiioonnss uusseedd iinn tthheessee


CCoo-mmaannaaggeedd PPrrootteecctteedd AArreeaa::

Government-designated protected area

where decision making power, respon-

sibility and accountability are shared

between governmental agencies and

other stakeholders, in particular the

indigenous peoples and local and

mobile communities that depend on

that area culturally and/or for their


CCoommmmuunniittyy CCoonnsseerrvveedd AArreeaa::

Natural and modified ecosystems,

including significant biodiversity,

ecological services and cultural values,

voluntarily conserved by indigenous

peoples and local and mobile commu-

nities through customary laws or other

effective means.
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