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(Rick Simeone) #1

Resources ffrom CCEESP mmembers

Community IIntegrated PPest MManagement iin

Indonesia— iinstitutionalising pparticipation aand ppeople

centred aapproaches

By MMansour FFakih, TToto RRahardjo aand MMichel PPimbert,

IIED-IIDS IInstitutionalising PParticipation SSeries,

IIED, LLondon, 22003.

IIntegrated pest management (IPM)

emerged in Indonesia in the late 1980s
as a reaction to the environmental and
social consequences of the Green
Revolution model of agriculture. A coop-
erative programme between the United
Nations Food and Agriculture
Organisation (FAO) and the Indonesian
Government centred then on farmer field
schools (FFS), which are schools without
walls. The FFS were to make farmers
experts in their own fields, enabling
them to replace their reliance on exter-
nal inputs, such as pesticides, with
endogenous skills, knowledge and

resources. Over time, the emphasis of
the programme shifted towards commu-
nity organisation, community planning
and management of IPM, and became
known as Community IPM (CIPM). This
study assesses the extent to which
Community IPM has been institution-
alised in Java (Indonesia). The dynamics
of institutionalising people-centred, par-
ticipatory processes were found to be
closely dependent on the following
mutually reinforcing factors: 1. Enabling
national policy decisions by the state
complemented by farmer-led attempts to
contest and shape policies from below.

  1. Actors with emancipatory values, atti-
    tudes and behaviours who championed

and discuss and refer specifically to the
Programme of Work on Protected Areas
approved by the 7thConference of
Parties to the Convention on Biological
Diversity in February 2004 (CBD/COP7).
The Parties to that Convention as well
as indigenous people, mobile indigenous
peoples and local communities con-
cerned with protected areas in many
countries, will find in this volume an
important tool towards a successful pur-
suit of CBD’s obligations.

Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend([email protected])
is Chair of CEESP/CMWG and Co-chair of
TILCEPA. Ashish Kothari
([email protected]) is Co-chair of TILCEPA
and a member of CEESP/CMWG. Gonzalo
Oviedo([email protected]) is Senior
Social Policy Advisor at IUCN Headquarters and a
member of both CEESP/CMWGG and TILCEPA.
Marco Bassi, Peter Bille Larsen, Maurizio
Farhan Ferrari, Diane Pansky, Neema
Pathakand Adrian Phillips are all members of
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