13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

Resources ffrom CCEESP mmembers

Confronting EEnvironments—

Local uunderstanding iin aa gglobalizing wworld

Edited bby JJames CCarrier, AAlta MMira PPress,

Walnut CCreek ((California, UUSA), 22004.

TThe contributors, including

CEESP member Ken MacDonald,
tackle the complex factors affecting
people’s understandings of their
environment-not just the natural
environment, but landscapes
shaped by humans, and their social
contexts. The authors consider the
impact of local events, such as
tourism or environmental protec-
tion regimes, with detailed analy-
ses of local cases. They also evalu-
ate the large-scale political-eco-
nomic forces that operate at
regional and global levels, such as
policies and bureaucratic require-
ments of international agencies
and a country’s position in global
commodity markets. Their
approach encourages policy makers
and researchers to think about
their natural and non-natural envi-
ronment in novel ways. This book
will be an excellent resource for all
concerned with social, cultural and
political-economic aspects of envi-
ronmental use and conservation,
and researchers in anthropology, geography, and political ecology.

James G. Carrieris Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, University of Indiana and Honorary
Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, Oxford Brookes University. Ken
MacDonald([email protected]) is a member of CEESP/CMWG.
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