13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

History, cculture aand cconservation

“Prajateerpu, ppower aand kknowledge: tthe ppolitics oof

participatory aaction rresearch iin ddevelopment.

Part II: CContext, pprocess aand ssafeguards”

by MMichel PPimbert aand TTom WWakeford,

Action RResearch, 11 ( 2 ): 184 -2 207 , 22003.

“Prajateerpu, ppower aand kknowledge: tthe ppolitics oof

participatory aaction rresearch iin ddevelopment.

Part 22 : AAnalysis, rreflections aand iimplications”

by TTom WWakeford aand MMichel PPimbert,

Action RResearch, 22 ( 1 ): 225 -4 46 , 22004.

PPrajateerpu(which literally means “peo-

ple’s verdict”) has been devised as a exer-
cise to allow the people who were going
to be the most affected by the “Vision
2020” initiatives for food and farming in
Andhra Pradesh (AP, India) to shape a
vision of their own. This paper explores
the Prajateerpuexercise as a case study
in participatory action research that took
place against a background of social,
political and scientific controversy in which
the authors were active participants.
Having examined the different methods

involved in the Prajateerpuprocess—
including the citizens jury, scenario work-
shop and public hearings—the authors
assess the safeguards that were put in
place to ensure a balanced and credible
deliberative process. They suggest that
the exchanges between the five organisa-
tions that formed the core team, the facili-
tators, oversight panel, witnesses and
jurors in Prajateerpu, along with the use a
set of carefully designed safeguards, con-
tain valuable lessons for those who wish
to engage in collaborative inquiries dealing
with high political stakes.

TThe authors examine here the roles of

the diverse co-inquirers involved in the
power-equalising action research project

known as Prajateerpu. While privileging
neither official expertise nor experiential
knowledge, they point out the need to
redress the power imbalance that exists
between poor and elite social groups by
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