13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

Resources ffrom CCEESP mmembers


(http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/acm/pub/news.html )

TThe Center for

International Forestry
Research (CIFOR) has
been involved in adaptive
collaborative management
efforts since 1998. During
that time a group within
the Governance pro-
gramme has established
long term links with
researchers and NGO per-
sonnel in 11 countries
(Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon,
Ghana, Indonesia,
Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar,
Malawi, Nepal, Philippines, Zimbabwe), and less formal relations with people elsewhere.
Five years ago, members of this group began publishing a small internet newsletter on
Adaptive Collaborative Management— ACM News— which served initially as a mecha-
nism for sharing information within the group. Over time, others have expressed inter-
est in receiving the newsletter, and it is now sent out to any interested readers.

creating arenas where expert knowledge
is put under public scrutiny. This second
paper in a series of two emphasises the
tensions that arose in Prajateerpu
between the participants whose analysis
had become marginalised from decision-
making processes and those in positions
of power. From a reflection on their own
contributions as action researchers, the
authors look at the merits of processes

such as Prajateerputowards more demo-
cratic knowledge and enhanced social jus-

Michel Pimbert([email protected]) is
Acting Director of the Sustainable Agriculture and
Rural Livelihoods programme at the International
Institute for Environment and Development and a
member of CEESP/ CEMWG and TILCEPA.
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