13 Policy Matters.qxp

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(^1) FAO, 1999; UNDP, 1998.
(^2) Bruce, 1998.
(^3) Government of Bolivia, 2000; Woodson, 2000.
(^4) Church, 1901:146, cf.Fawcett, 1909.
(^5) FAO, 2002.
(^6) Pacheco, 2002.
(^7) FAO, 2001.
(^8) Superintendencia Forestal, 2000; FAO, 2001.
(^9) Fifer, 1967.
(^10) Kohl, 2002.
(^11) Fifer, 1967.
(^12) Grieshaber, 1980:225.
(^13) Fawcett, 1910.
(^14) Bowman, 1910:191.
(^15) Riviere, 1892: 207.
(^16) Edwards, 1913: 125.
(^17) Mather, 1922.
(^18) Weeks, 1946: 552.
(^19) World Bank, 2001.
(^20) Urioste and Pacheco, 2001.
(^21) World Bank, 1993.
(^22) de Mesa, 2001.
(^23) de Janvry and Sadoulet, 1989: 1397.
(^24) Pacheco, 1998; Contreras and Vargas, 2001.
(^25) Becker and León, 2000; Pacheco, 1998.
(^26) The so called INRA Law 1715. INRA is the National
Agrarian Reform Institute, the central government
agency in charge of implementing the law.
(^27) Hecht, 2001.
(^28) Government of Bolivia, 1996a.
(^29) Government of Bolivia, 1996b.
(^30) The forestry law requires all logging activities to be in
conformance with the national standards for sustain-
able forest management. This means that previous to
receiving the logging permits the applicant must devel-
op a forest management plan for a twenty year rota-
tion period. The management plan must be signed by a
certified forestry engineer.
(^31) Hernaíz and Pacheco, 2001.
(^32) Contreras and Vargas, 2001.
(^33) Andersson, 2002.
(^34) Cohen and Peterson, 1999; World Bank, 1998; Wunsch
and Olowu, 1995
(^35) Andersson, 2003, Pacheco and Kaimowitz, 1998
(^36) Pacheco, 1998.
(^37) CIPEC, 2001.
(^38) Andersson, 2002; Contreras and Vargas, 2001; Hernaíz
and D. Pacheco, 2001;.
(^39) Contreras and Vargas, 2001; Kaimowitz et al., 2000;.
(^40) Winter, 1998.

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