Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Reliability – Basis for Trust 271

  1. You Are Late—Are you always the last to arrive? Do you hold
    up the meeting? Don’t be the one that delays the entire group. Be
    the early bird, it can have a dramatic impact on your reliability.

  2. You Don’t Meet Deadlines—People don’t expect you to finish
    work on time, well because, you don’t do it very often. Deadlines
    are set for a reason. Make sure that you meet your deadlines.

  3. You Forget ‘Todos’—When your boss or partner asks you to do
    something, do they have to wonder if you will remember it?
    When something is important, write it down. Keep your ‘to-do’
    list front and centre.

  4. You Miss Appointments—Do you stand others up? For meet-
    ings? For important appointments? Don’t be afraid of your calen-
    dar. It can be your best friend and should have your back to let
    you know when you need to be somewhere.

  5. You Drag Down the Productivity of Others—Procrastination
    is contagious. So are bad habits. You may be a bad influence in
    your workplace. Are you the one who hijacks meetings? Talks
    for hours at the water cooler? Or spends more time gossiping
    than working?^223
    How we deal with appointments is a visible expression how we deal
    with the dignity of other colleagues and staff, how we value their availa-
    bility and their waiting and working for us. However we all know that
    punctuality is a matter subject to different cultural standards and con-
    texts (both geographically and culturally). The availability or disruption
    of public transport, the accessibility of technologies of tools of digital
    international communication as well as the functionality of administra-
    tions available can affect reliability in terms of time management con-
    siderably. Intercultural communication experts are assuring us that ex-
    pressions of reliability can vary according to cultural standards and con-

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