Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

272 Global Ethics for Leadership

texts. Therefore legalistic application of western standards to reliability
in time keeping can become a cultural imposition and sign of disrespect
or ignorance for the difference of cultural traditions in an African con-
text. Intercultural interpretation of reliability therefore needs sensitivity
and intercultural hermeneutics.

21.5 Reliability and

Globethics.Net can be regarded as an innovative and unique tool to
create global platforms for dialogue on value based leadership develop-
ment and reliable learning partnerships between different sets of educa-
tional and ethics related research institutions. That fact that it has been
both reliable in technical terms regarding the functionality of its plat-
form which had to receive a lot of technical updates in order to cope
with the rising numbers of registered participants (166’000, May 2016)
and to be available as a reliable system in all parts of the world (with
over 4 million online documents downloadable, May 2016) as well as in
personal terms, as despite all the changes in staffing which occur in
many organizations there has been a core continuity and reliability in the
person of the Director Christoph Stückelberger and some core staff for a
number of years which is essential for bringing up an organization and a
foundation like this one. Both libraries, and GlobeTheolib
provide essential access to valid resources of ethical and theological
reorientation which are urgently needed to the great transformation
which we have ahead of us related to the SDG Agenda and new paths
towards sustainable development. Reliability is a matter not just of one
person or a small group of persons, reliability is a matter also of contin-
ued connectivity between all the users and the supporters of Globeth- Therefore, this contribution concludes with the heartfelt wish
that will be sustained, supported and carried forward as a
reliable global digital resources platform in the decades to come, as this

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