Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

330 Global Ethics for Leadership

their right to an improved quality of life through quality education, as
well as the notion of ‘responsi ble citizenship’.^250
Summarising the future of higher education, the following guiding
principles set by Unesco^251 are apposite:

(1) Education is a fundamental human right^252 and contributes si g-
nificantly to the realization of other rights.
(2) Education is a public good.
(3) Education is a foundation for human fulfi lment, peace, sus-
tainable development, economic growth, decent work, gender
equality and responsible global citizenship.
(4) Education is a key contributor to the reduction of inequalities
and poverty by bequeathing the conditions and generating the
opportunities for better, sustainable societies.

27.2 The Parameters of the Discussion

In addressing the subject of global values for higher education, this
paper further defines its parameters consonant with the role, function
and purpose of higher education.
Rossouw and Van Vuuren^253 raise the relationship between ethics
and values, suggesting that whilst they are undoubtedly linked, they are
not synonymous. Further explaining, they describe values as ‘relatively
stable convictions about what is important’^254 and stress that they may
be attributed to both an individual and an organisation.

Strategic values refer to the shared conviction of the organisation
about its desired objectives. As such, strategic values indicate the
251 Unesco 2015 b: 3.13^
252 2015c : 3.13^
Art icle 26, Universal Declaration of Human Ri ghts (1948), and the
UNESCO 253 Convention against Discri mination in Education (1960).
254 2010: 8^
2010: 8

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