Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

post-production editing

  1. With the image now looking a lot more dramatic all that remains is to put a few fi nishing touches
    to the mood masterpiece. To increase the fi re in the sky I have decided to add another adjustment
    layer. This time I have selected a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. To restrict the adjustment
    to a localized area I have switched back to the Black, White gradient and chosen the Refl ected
    gradient option and selected the Reverse option. Dragging a gradient from the horizon line to a
    short distance above or below the horizon line will create a narrow band of adjusted pixels, leaving
    the sky at the top of the image and the foreground unaffected.

  2. The fi nal dramatic touch is to render the highlights pin sharp. My preferred sharpening method
    is to merge all of the visible elements to a new layer positioned on top of the layers stack. I apply a
    generous amount (amount but not radius) of sharpening and then produce a test strip. If the print
    fi le is too sharp I can lower the opacity of this layer until I strike the correct amount of sharpening.
    A useful keyboard shortcut to merge all of the visible elements to a new layer is to hold down the
    Ctrl+Shift+Alt keys and then type the letter N followed by the letter E (whilst still holding down the
    three modifi er keys). The amount I elected to use for this image was 150% at a radius of 0.8. A
    threshold value of 3 prevents the noise or fi lm grain from becoming an issue.

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